Friday, April 17, 2009


Just wanted to drop you a quick note to keep you updated on what's going on with me since the last time i wrote. Okay, so here it book release party/birthday celebration was on March 14th and it was a success! There was almost 500 people there to show their support and party with yours truly and it was definitely a night to remember! The event was decorated so nice and it almost looked like i was gettin married but i'm not even close to (the right man has to come along first before that happens) and i wore two dresses, a royal blue one and a black one. I'll post pics later...the event in a nutshell was fabulous and i even had a chanel purse cake that was red velvet!

Okay so with that over and behind me, I'm still keeping it moving...i've been working real hard at marketing and promoting myself and it's a full time job if i say so myself...I'm trying to do everything I can to make sure I'm seen and people know to go out and by my book. I've been doing pretty good so far but the book has only been out a month so i still have work to do...I think the biggest thing so far is getting these bookstores to call me back and Im persistent so after a while they're gonna get tired of me so they'll have no choice but to book me for a signing. lol...i know im crazy, but would you still love me if i was boring...

Well today im on my way to Nashville and i'm so excited. Im going for music but you know i always find a way to sell books so, every opportunity is a chance to hustle a book or two or

I will write back once we arrive in Cashville....

Love ya lots,